Students clean up in week of action

VCE students from Kurunjang Secondary College Chris, Ben, James, Patrick and Nicole took part in the clean up. 104845


SENIOR students from Kurunjang Secondary College displayed great dedication to their school last month when they took part in a Keep Australia Beautiful event.
The Year 12 group spent the afternoon collecting rubbish and a range of debris that had accumulated throughout the Kurunjang community.
VCE co-ordinator David Gorton said the sports facilities in the area now not only look cleaner, but are also significantly safer following the removal of cans, glass and plastic.
“I’m really proud of the students that gave up their time for the community, especially in the lead-up to the exam period,” Mr Gorton said.
“It was amazing to see the range of items left behind, including shoes, lolly sticks and even a plastic window.”
Mr Gorton said the group eagerly responded to the National Week of Action, demonstrating pride in their school and wider community. 104845 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

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