WITH a long winter drawing to a close, the committee at Williamstown Athletic Club is gearing up for a big year. The club enjoyed a host of impressive results throughout the 2012/13 season and head coach David Jamieson is hoping for more of the same when the new season kicks off.
For the first time, Williamstown will host the opening round of the athletics season, which will begin on 19 October.
“The last few seasons we have been building up our numbers, and we are hoping to continue with that this year,” Jamieson said.
“It is great to have new people coming in with enthusiasm and keenness.
“The track and field season starts in October and Williamstown is hosting the first round of competition. We have also increased the number of rounds of competition that we will host.”
Last season, Williamstown had a number of athletes produce outstanding results at national level with young trio Sweeney Preston, Celeste Mucci and Daniela Roman just three of the club’s rising stars to keep an eye on.
However, the club doesn’t just cater for world beaters, with any standard of athlete able to compete.
“The way that it happens at field level is that it is graded competition,” Jamieson said.
“Someone can compete against someone else who is around their standard. You don’t have to be competing against the state champion or state finalist. If you have the interest, then you can work on it and try to improve.
“We have had people go on to national and international standard, yet you can be your weekend competitor as well at the same club. People have different ambitions, and it is one of those sports that caters for people of all different levels.”
The good news isn’t limited to on the track for Williamstown, with the club set to receive a new development to enhance its facilities.
Williamstown committee member John Preston encouraged any members of the community interested in taking up athletics to contact the club via its website, http://www.williamstownac.org.au/.
“It is a great family sport and if people are coming out of football or soccer or netball or lacrosse and want to maintain their fitness with some sport, athletics is a great thing to become involved in,” he said.
“People can come down for the first few sessions and there is no expense. They can just come and try.”