Birthday bash for BlueCross

Sadie, Madge and Margery with enrolled nurse and team leader Geysi Caceres-Barillas at BlueCross Western Gardens in Sunshine. 110634 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


A SUNSHINE nursing home has celebrated its 10th anniversary, much to the delight of staff and residents.
BlueCross Western Gardens held a weekend birthday party with farm animals, face painting, karaoke, afternoon tea and choir performances.
Three residents of the facility, Sadie, Madge and Margery, have lived at the premises for between six to eight years.
Margery and Sadie previously lived in Seddon and Footscray.
Madge, who has seven grandchildren and seven great grandchildren, has lived in Sunshine for more than 50 years.
The three ladies said they had seen many changes in the West across the past few decades.
“I used to work at ICI when the area was new. I lived in Station Place, it was very busy,” Madge said.
Margery’s husband spent six years working in the munitions factory during World War II.
The three ladies have become great friends with the other residents and employees at BlueCross, including enrolled nurse and team leader Geysi Caceres-Barillas, who began working at the Sunshine nursing home before it opened.
“Usually, you become part of the residents’ extended family,” Ms Caceres-Barillas said.
Margery, Madge and Sadie said they enjoyed the activities like craft, quilting, movies and bus outings they take part in at BlueCross.
Bingo – with Minties lollies for prizes – is another favourite.
Ms Caceres-Barillas said the ladies had also helped to make costumes for an annual extravaganza which residents and staff from all BlueCross branches performed in at Melbourne Park.
Many BlueCross homes also make a video showcasing their activities every year.
“This year, we made a video which came first and we chose the song ‘Celebrate’ and we all did a bit of a dance,” Ms Caceres-Barillas said.
“They even got me up and dancing,” Sadie said.

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