Charity under hammer

National CEO of Kids Under Cover Jo Swift, and CEO of Manheim Tim Hudson celebrate at the$1 millionth celebration in Altona. 110709 Picture: SUPPLIED


WITH the help of almost 2100 vehicles donations from across Australia since 2007, the Kids Under Cover Donate Your Car Program has raised $1 million.
The money raised will go toward the charity’s work of preventing youth homelessness.
A celebration was held at Manheim in Altona recently, to mark the occasion.
The local car auctions are the Platinum Partner of the Donate Your Car program which ensures 100 per cent of the sale proceeds go directly towards the prevention of youth homelessness.
CEO OF Kids Under Cover Jo Swift said vehicle donors can be assured that their unwanted vehicle will be put to very good use.
“The Donate Your Car program has been very successful for Kids Under Cover – almost doubling the number of car donations every year,” Ms Swift said.
She said since 1989, Kids Under Cover has been able to support more than 2800 young people who were at risk of becoming homeless.
“We are obviously thrilled with the success of the program over its seven years and how many young people we have been able to help with the money raised,” Mrs Swift said.
“However, there is still a long way to go to eradicate youth homelessness in this country and so we urge any individuals and companies to please continue to donate to the cause.”
Recent Sensis data statistics show there are 105,000 homeless people in Australia and 44,000 are aged under 25 years.
The $1million raised equates to providing 60 young people with a safe and secure place to live.
Individuals or companies can donate any unwanted motorised vehicle, whether that is a car, caravan, truck, motor bike or even boat, via the Kids Under Cover Donate Your Car website –
The donated vehicles are collected free of charge by the Manheim team who also auction off the vehicles. All vehicle donations are now tax deductible.

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