HOBSONS Bay City Council has adopted the Fearon Reserve master plan which will guide its development over the next decade.
The master plan was adopted during last week’s ordinary meeting following a public exhibition period where 10 submissions were received.
The master plan will guide the development of the Williamstown reserve over the next 10 years.
Works identified include improving the condition of the turf surfaces throughout the reserve to address poor quality playing fields and the open space areas; upgrading drainage; infilling of specific low lying areas to improve the quality; and ensuring the continued multi-use of the areas within the reserve.
Six submissions supported the draft master plan, two did not and the remaining two did not indicate support either way.
As a result of the submissions, the master plan was amended for consistency in parking in Osborne St.
Many of the specific items raised within submissions will be further considered through design development phases.
The timing and priority of future works relating to this master plan is subject to an overview of the long-term capital works program priorities.
During the meeting, Cr Hemphill moved a motion to consider an installation of a footpath from Osborne St along the Westside of the football oval to the football pavilions.
He also added that planning specifically includes drainage to that area to make it safer.
“There is a problem with the foot traffic in that area designated as a run and here’s an ideal opportunity to fix the problem.”