Getting short with words

Local authors, Emanuel Cachia, left, Craig Henderson and Antonio Lannella have just released a collection of short stories. 92718 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI
Local authors, Emanuel Cachia, left, Craig Henderson and Antonio Lannella have just released a collection of short stories. 92718 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


THREE local authors passionate about writing have celebrated the release of a collection of short stories that they guarantee anyone who reads won’t be disappointed.

The title, It’s all about the writing, is a play on the authors’ inspiration for the work.

“It’s more about sharing stories and promoting literacy,” editor and contributor Emanuel Cachia said.

The Melton resident was the mastermind behind the creation that took three years to mature into what it is today.

It’s all about the writing is an eclectic collection of 16 thought-provoking short stories that span various fiction genres, including young adult, science fiction, literacy, action, fantasy and multiculturalism.

Mr Cachia edited, contributed and designed the book with local authors Craig Henderson and Antonio Lannella contributing their creations.

“Expect to laugh cry, giggle and weep, cringe in horror and pump your fist in triumph, often while reading a single story,” Mr Cachia said.

Mr Cachia said he was determined to publish the collection of stories, many of which had been knocked back by external publishing houses.

“This is what I want to do with the rest of my life, I just like putting books in people’s hand sharing stories and life lessons, and giving people something to relate to.”

The collection also approaches somewhat unfamiliar issues in the literary world, with some of Mr Cachias’ stories delving into the issues of mental health.

“I like the idea of tackling those big issues, the things that are normally unspoken there is nothing that you have to hide with writing.”

Mr Cachia said his enjoyment of reading and submitting stories to share with a worldwide audience is something he has always aspired to do.

“I don’t think there’s anything special about me I’m chasing my dream not and letting negative feedback hold me back.”

It’s all about the writing is available electronically on Kindle for $2.99 or to purchase a hard copy email for $15 including shipping.

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