MELTON City Council’s 94th mayor has vowed to keep party politics out of local government decisions.
Cr Bob Turner was elected mayor for the next 12 months at a statutory meeting of the council last Tuesday evening with Cr Sophie Ramsey elected as deputy mayor.
Cr Turner served as deputy mayor in 2012/13 after being first elected to the council in 2008.
During his acceptance speech, Cr Turner thanked residents for electing him to the council and his peers for giving him the opportunity to serve as mayor.
He also thanked his wife, Val, and his family for their ongoing support.
“I don’t see myself as a politician, but rather as a community member in a position to advocate for youth, the elderly and other who otherwise may not be heard,” Cr Turner said.
“I’m honoured and humbled to represent our great city … and I don’t believe party politics should interfere with local government.
“There is no doubt in my mind that we live in the best city in Australia … and I want to continue to make it a beautiful and progressive city to live in.”
He also thanked out-going mayor Kathy Majdlik and said she had left “big shoes to fill for a small lady”.
In her out-going speech Cr Majdlik expressed her “heartfelt appreciation” to the community and her fellow councillors and described her year as mayor as “fast-paced, highly rewarding and productive”.
“It was an absolute honour and privilege and a time I will cherish forever.”
Cr Sophie Ramsey described the new mayor as “selfless and passionate” and said “his blood is community through and through”.
Cr Ramsey said she looked forward to a fantastic 12 months ahead.
Two motions which will see councillors receive an allowance totaling $29,326 and the mayor’s allowance reach $93,672 were both passed unanimously.
Cr Lara Carli returned to the chambers after an extended leave of absence due to illness.