WITH council elections being held later in the year, a state-wide campaign is underway to build the numbers and diversity of women in local government.
The Victorian Local Government Association has selected Hobsons Bay to host a Think Women Local Government 2012 Forum.
Women’s Advisory Committee Chair and Women’s Charter Champion Councillor Luba Grigorovitch said the forum and campaign would encourage more women to run in the 79 local government elections on 28 October.
“Across Victoria, women make up only 29 per cent of councillors – a number I would like to see increased,” Cr Grigorovitch said.
“I think that this forum will be a fabulous opportunity for all who come a long on the night.
“There was a similar forum that I attended in 2007 that was a huge part as to why I put my hand up for the 2008 elections.”
Cr Grigorovitch said she was enjoying her role as a councillor in Hobsons Bay.
“We are there to work for and on behalf of our communities.”
The forum will feature former Member for Altona Lynne Kosky as a guest speaker.
City of Maribyrnong Councillor Sarah Carter will join Hobsons Bay’s Cr Angela Altair and the Mayor of Wyndham Cr Kim McAliney as panel members for the forum.
“When I made the decision to run at the last election I had little in the way of support and advice and was left largely to my own devices,” Cr Carter said. The forum is on Thursday 15 March from 7.30pm at the Hobsons Bay Civic Centre.
To register to attend, call Hobsons Bay City Council on 9932 1000 by Thursday 8 March.