Many helping hands

Students at Marian College are practicing for their Stand Up Against Poverty Day event, to be held later this month. 69752   Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIStudents at Marian College are practicing for their Stand Up Against Poverty Day event, to be held later this month. 69752 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

By Kara Irving
THERE’S no weak links at Marian College.
For the past few years students at the Sunshine West Secondary College have been celebrating Stand Up Against Poverty Day to raise awareness of the hardship faced in disadvantaged African communities.
In the coming weeks Justice and Democracy forum leader Jacqueline Di Vincenzo and her classmates will help junior year levels form a symbolic chain in their school’s driveway to commemorate the day.
“It’s these special days that help change student perceptions about world poverty and what role they play in making a difference,” Jacqueline said.
“Linking hands is symbolic because a handshake suggests we’re making a promise to help eradicate poverty in third world countries.”
Justice and Democracy coordinator Vito Milana said Marian College’s diverse multicultural student cohort would benefit from taking part in the day.
“We’re trying to make students across all years and all backgrounds aware of the lives of other children outside Australia,” Mr Milana said.
The Justice and Democracy Forum aims to educate students about the hardship of living in dilapidated African communities such as Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia and Uganda.
Students are currently learning about the effects of poverty at a national and international level.
In the past the school has commemorated a number of different days to raise awareness of the poverty situation.
“I think it’s a great opportunity for the younger classes to help make a difference in the school and greater community,” Jacqueline added.
Marian College in Sunshine North will celebrate Stand Up Against Poverty Day on Friday 16 September.

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