DAVID Axon has always had a passion for planes. As a 14-year-old living in England, aircrafts fascinated him and nothing has changed.
The Melton resident has spent the last six decades working in aviation and, although he has now retired, he still spends countless hours in his shed working on model aeroplanes.
David, a member of the Melton Model Aircraft Association, thinks it’s something more people should get involved in.
“It’s a real passion,” he said.
“I think at least 50 per cent of my life has been spent on model aircrafts. You use all these manual skills and then you see your pride and joy fly…it’s addictive.”
He said learning to fly a model aircraft can take anywhere from three lessons to three years to learn and making one requires years of practice.
David said it was a great skill for young people to learn and encouraged teenagers to get away from “computers and get into the fresh air”.
The group is hosting an open day at their flying field at Mount Cotterell Recreation Reserve this Sunday from 11am. There will be sports models, war birds, large scale aircraft, unorthodox models and helicopters on display.
David warned wives of would be model aircraft makers that they may be spending less time with their husband if he decides to take up the hobby.
“I always say to wives, don’t blame me if you don’t see him for a while.”