Blooming good idea

Di Bloomfield enjoys working with glass beads. 76470  Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTTDi Bloomfield enjoys working with glass beads. 76470 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT

THE Substation’s Artists’ Market is attracting not only visitors from all over Melbourne but artists as well.
Glass bead maker Di Bloomfield has been making jewellery since 2003 and is one of the permanent stallholders at the market, despite not being a local to the West.
After being diagnosed with breast cancer Di took a holiday to New Zealand where she first became aware of glass beads.
Upon arriving home she bought the equipment and taught herself how to make the beads.
Her technique, which is over 4000 years old, involves cold Italian glass rods being slowly introduced into a flame until it becomes molten and then different designs and colours are added.
“I just started practicing and eventually I made something I could sell,” she said.
“It’s such a therapeutic thing for me.
“You don’t have time to feel sorry for yourself because it takes your mind to a nice place.”
Di said meeting people at the market every month was also what she loves about making the beads.
“It’s just a happy place to be,” she said.
“People come from all over to the market – it’s such a lovely place to be.”
With the glass Di doesn’t just make jewellery but homewares as well.
The Substation’s Artists’ Market regularly attracts more than 600 people on the first Saturday of each month and provides a fantastic opportunity for artists and makers to sell their wares.
For more information about Di Bloomfield visit or for the market visit

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