Sophie’s a rising chess champ

Sophie Davis came third in a recent chess championship. 76547 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNISophie Davis came third in a recent chess championship. 76547 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

By Vanessa Chircop
EIGHT-year-old Sophie Davis has brought down many kings, defeated their queens and killed off their loyal subjects.
The Altona school girl has mastered the art of chess and last month took on some of Australia’s best junior chess players in the National Age Championships.
Sophie placed third at the event making her coach, who is also her father, very proud.
The leading Hobsons Bay chess player, Tony Davis, said the competition was more stressful for him than for Sophie.
“As a parent you have to stand right back and watch from a distance – it was very stressful,” he said.
Tony, who not only coaches Sophie but a team of students from her primary school, said chess is a great sport which encourages concentration and can help children excel in other subjects.
“Chess is very easy to learn but very difficult to master,” he said.
Sophie, who also excels in martial arts said she was surprised to do as well as she did in the tournament.
“Chess is beautiful in some ways and its fun,” she said.
Sophie said beating other children doesn’t stop her from making friends with them.
“Mostly when I beat people that’s when we become friends.”
Tony said as much as he’s proud of his daughter’s achievements he’s never pushed her into playing chess. “She’s grown up with it – it’s a part of her life but I don’t try and push it.
“She advances in karate as well.
“But chess is a lot like martial arts – the aim is to gain the initiative over your opponent.”

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