Children locked in car

A shopper called the ambulance shortly after 11am on 29 January after becoming concerned for the welfare of the youngsters who had been left unattended in the car in 30 degree heat.
Fire fighters from the Metropolitan Fire Brigade broke into the car and freed the children.
Paramedics assessed the trio and found that they were in good health.
They waited with the children until police arrived.
Ambulance Victoria spokeswoman Susannah Wilson said the incident was the first of it’s kind to be reported in Brimbank over the past year but urged parents to think twice before leaving children unattended on a hot day.
“Leaving kids and pets in cars is very dangerous,” Ms Wilson said.
“Tests by Ambulance Victoria show that on a 29-degree day the inside of a car heated up from 20-degrees to 44 degrees within ten minutes.
“Ten minutes later the temperature in the car hit more than 60-degrees.”
With summer in full swing Ambulance Victoria has also urged residents to check up on elderly relatives and friends to ensure they are coping with the heat.
“Often older members of the community are reluctant to ask for help,” Ms Wilson said.
“If you have an older neighbour or relative it’s a good idea just to check on them during the day to make sure they’re okay.”

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