By Angela Norval
With community at the heart of much of what she does, it was a wonderful moment for Trish Mears when she was named Citizen of the Year in the Bundaberg region’s 2023 Australia Day Awards.
Trish has the opportunity to mix with a variety of people throughout the region as she is currently a member and secretary to Bundaberg Players Incorporated, chair of the Moore Park Beach Arts Festival and co-chair of Relay for Life, raising money for Queensland Cancer Council.
Asked what it was that she continued to love about the Bundaberg region, Trish said it was simple; the region was full of such caring people who were active community members, through the pure love of being involved.
“With the 10th anniversary of the floods, it’s brought back many memories of the incredible kindness and sense of community,” she said.
“I was general manager of Bundaberg Broadcasters at the time and the way everyone worked together was amazing.
“I remember a couple of weeks later, there was a disaster in Tasmania and we helped organise a truckload of goods; people who had themselves been flooded brought things in to help those in Tasmania.
“It was truly heart-warming and showed the incredible spirit and generosity of the Bundaberg region people.”
Trish highlighted that there are also many great community groups and whatever you’re interest in, you’ll find something you can be a part of.
“The best way to make a contribution is to volunteer your time – whether you’re part of a committee or just help promote what they do and get involved.
“When I was young, my parents were part of Lions in Brisbane so I knew from early on that volunteering and giving back was important.
“I think I was 24 when I joined my first committee as secretary and have always been involved in at least one community group since then.
“I believe you get back far more than what you give; it’s not only the sense of helping others, it’s also being part of something that makes a difference, as well as the fun and sense of accomplishment you receive.
“I have also made lifelong friends through the community work I have been involved in.”
Trish remains grateful to her parents Bill and Ella, describing them as great role models who showed that being involved in the community is something that we all can and show do in whatever form we are able; whether buying a raffle ticket to sharing a fundraising post, right through to being a part of an organising committee.
For Trish, all the things she is involved in from the Playhouse Theatre, Moore Park Beach Arts, Bundaberg Relay for Life, Bundaberg Health Services Foundation and the UQ Rural Clinical School Community Reference Group, these are all things she is very passionate about.
“I think it’s only by being involved can you make a real difference and I am lucky to have also met some wonderful people in these groups who are now lifelong friends.
“Everyone has a story to tell; and I love nothing more than to be able to get to know people over a shared cause, a laugh, a cuppa and something delicious to eat.
“Each year I see just how much Relay for Life is such a great event and great cause, raising funds and awareness of cancer, which almost everyone has been touched by.
“The Relay for Life continues to evolve and this year we think the new time and date will be very popular, running from noon until 9pm on Saturday 21 October.
“This year we will celebrate 20 years of Relay for Life in Bundaberg and it is tremendous achievement for everyone who has been involved in any way over those 20 years.
“We would love them to all be involved this year as we Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back.”
Throughout it all, being named Citizen of the Year definitely remained a great honour and also very humbling for Trish.
“The beautiful comments from people on my win have been so lovely and heart-warming.
“I certainly don’t do what I do for recognition but to have this award certainly validates what I do and strengthens my resolve to continue volunteering in the community.
“In each community group I’m involved in there are exciting things in store for 2023.
“There is no better feeling that working with like-minded people to bring a plan, event or fundraising goal to fruition.”