$72 million cash injection


WYNDHAM road users are breathing a sigh of relief after the State Government officially announced it will spend $72 million to build much needed infrastructure in the East Werribee and Point Cook areas.
The Minister for Planning, Matthew Guy, was in Werribee last week to announce the start of work to build a full diamond interchange on Sneydes Rd at a cost of $40 million.
He also promised a further $32 million to upgrade Sneydes Rd to connect the East Werribee Employment Precinct with regional arterial road networks and realign the Hoppers Lane-Princes Highway intersection to improve safety.
Phase two environmental site assessments to get the Crown land ready for development and the identification of ways to develop the land for future businesses were also included in the announcement.
“These projects will attract investment and create jobs, services and improve the lives of the residents of these areas,” Mr Guy said.
Mr Guy said the vital infrastructure would give 50,000 prospective workers and 20,000 residents access to integrated regional and state transport networks.
“East Werribee is earmarked as a major employment hub, already home to key medical, educational and agricultural facilities,” he said.
Member for the Western Metropolitan Region, Andrew Elsbury, said the interchange would provide an important traffic link and drive investment for the Wyndham growth area.
“The project will provide excellent access to the new East Werribee Employment Precinct and encourage development and growth in the area. It will also provide for additional access to the Princes Freeway for existing Werribee residents,” Mr Elsbury said.
Construction is expected to commence in 2014 and the interchange will be open to traffic in 2016.

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