Life-warming soup

98227_01 Members of The Lions Club of Altona volunteer their time to provide meals for the disadvantaged. 98227 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT Bruce Cook, Faye Cook, Jim Hevey,Miriam Pollack, Gina Volonnino and Fred Pollack


THERE’S nothing like a hot soup to put a fire in your belly on a cold winter’s day- but for many residents in Hobsons Bay this is a luxury.
For residents doing it tough in the Altona and Laverton areas, the Lions Club of Altona soup van offers more than just a meal, it’s a chance to meet friendly volunteers who genuinely care about the wellbeing of the disadvantaged.
The soup van runs weekly on a Sunday night and provides soup, sandwiches and a bag of groceries to homeless and disadvantaged people locally.
The soup van stops at the Honey Hush Caravan Park in Laverton North and the Wood St Park opposite Laverton train station.
Since starting the service in 2011, they have provided more than 1200 litres of soup, 2000 sandwiches and 1000 bags of groceries.
Three dozen Lions Club members donate their time to feed the 50 to 60 people that visit the Soup Van every Sunday.
Member of the Lions Club of Altona Kerry Cook said it was a very rewarding experience.
“I enjoy it because it’s something so simple that means so much to those we assist,” Ms Cook said.
She said she had been on Centrelink payments and knew what it was like to struggle for staples for the week for basics like bread.
“It takes a bit of pressure off them and gives them hope for the following week.”
She encouraged anyone interested to give it a go.
“It puts your own problems into perspective … it’s just a worthwhile experience.”
The group has received $6000 from the Altona Community Bank to help purchase and set up the soup van.
Food Bank and Bakers Delight also support the initiative.
If you are interested in donating any non-perishable food items or would like to find out more
about the Lions Club of Altona contact Judy Buchanan on

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