HOBSONS Bay City Council will be holding a drop-in information session for the community to further comment on the draft Hobsons Bay Strategic Bicycle Plan 2013-2017.
The session will give interested members of the community the opportunity to obtain information on the proposals in the draft plan, particularly covering the next four years.
The council placed the Hobsons Bay Strategic Bicycle Plan 2013-2017 on public exhibition for comment in July and August 2013.
The council received a number of submissions and is in the process of assessing them.
The drop-in public information session is another opportunity for people with an interest in the planning and development of bicycle riding facilities within Hobsons Bay to consider the proposals in the plan.
The drop-in session is on Monday 14 October anytime between 4.30pm and 7pm at the Hobsons Bay Civic Centre.
Once a review of all submissions and comments from the drop-in session is complete, a further report will be tabled at a future council meeting.
If you have any questions regarding the session, contact the Recreation and Community Facilities Department on 9932 1124 or email recadmin@hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au.