Tabling youth issues

The Mustard Roundtable event will educate interested parties on the issues teenagers face dealing with mental illness. 96499 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


UNDERSTANDING teenagers and mental health will be the main topic of discussion during a forum that encouraged interested parents and people to listen-up.
The main topic of the Mustard Roundtable: Psychs, Students and the place of Spirituality will be an open discussion for parents and people who care about teenagers to gather and think about how to respond to the mental health issues that their young people face.
The event has assembled a panel of experts and will attempt to practically help parents in an interactive forum.
The panel will draw on their professional and personal experience and training to respond practically to the burning questions that parents have about the mental health of their teenagers.
This year’s focus was chosen because of the pervasiveness of mental health problems in young people across Melbourne.
“This Roundtable will be a great opportunity for parents of teenagers and really anyone who has a teenager in their life to hear different perspectives on the mental health issues our teenagers face on a daily basis,” Williamstown Church of Christ Minister Megan Jung said.
“We all know young people today face so many pressures, maybe more than ever before, so we’re glad to be hosting this event which will help parents learn more about how they can help the young people in their lives.”
The panel will include experts in the field of psychological medicine, directors of counselling services and psychotherapy.
The Williamstown Church of Christ will host the round table event on Thursday 18 April.
For more information, contact Mustard on 9816 7133 or

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