Car theft crackdown


MELTON is one of Melbourne’s worst areas for vehicle theft, an RACV analysis revealed last week.
A new analysis of RACV Insurance claims data ranked Melton as one of the top 10 areas in Melbourne where vehicles were being stolen.
The reports released this week show that between January 2012 and December 2012, 13 cars were reported as stolen in Melton by RACV members.
Melton South was not far behind with eight reports of a stolen vehicle.
RACV General Manager of Insurance Paul Northey said residents should ensure that they always lock their vehicle before leaving it unattended, even for a short time.
“On average 17 RACV members living in metropolitan Melbourne are the victims of car theft every week,” Mr Northey said.
“Most vehicles were reported stolen between 6am and 6pm, and this is an important reminder that thieves are opportunistic and will strike anywhere.”
A total of 921 claims for theft were lodged by RACV members in metropolitan Melbourne and an overall of 1111 vehicle theft claims were received state-wide.
On average vehicle theft claim costs motorists $8000.
Mr Northey encouraged motorists to check they were adequately covered for the cost of replacing a stolen vehicle or repairing any damaged caused from an attempted theft.
Acting Inspector Nicole Warner from Melton Police said this was an issue police were focusing on.
“Theft of and theft from motor vehicles is certainly an issue we’re focusing on. We have a crew that is dedicated to the investigation of that at the moment,” she said.

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