Seeking inspiring mentors

A young girl enjoys time with her mentor 101929 Picture: SUPPLIED


BEING young is not always easy and sometimes it is nice to have someone to depend on, who can help – someone like a mentor.
The Melton Youth Mentoring Project is currently in its fifth year.
They have been recruiting and screening mentors, who are 18 years and older, since 2009.
The mentoring program is co-founded by Melton City Council and the State Government Office for Youth and is available for mentorees between the ages of 12 and 18 years.
Melton City Council’s youth and housing manager Mathew Wilson said the program was created to facilitate connections between community members and young people who identified as needing extra adult support in their lives.
“The project is important because it provides the opportunity for identified young people to have the presence of a trusted adult in their life,” Mr Wilson said.
“Young people benefit by having friendship, connection and support at times when they need it,” he said.
Mr Wilson said there was always a need for more mentors.
“Currently we have 10 mentors in various stages of a mentoring match,” Mr Wilson said.
“The number of young people seeking a mentor through the program outnumbers volunteer mentors five to one.”
Mentors should be positive role models, listen without judgement, a trustworthy confidant and help give young people a voice and a choice as well as having fun, Mr Wilson said.
“It’s a unique and rewarding opportunity for local volunteers.”
Community members that may be interested can contact the council’s youth mentoring project officer Eve Repo at on 9747 7200.

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