Rooming action call

By Vanessa Chircop
HOBSONS Bay City Council has called on the State Government to introduce laws to mandate rooming houses within the municipality.
In September last year Deputy Mayor Councillor Tony Briffa raised a motion in council to write to the Planning Minister, local members and the Minister for Housing seeking support to introduce laws that would allow councillors to be the planning authority for rooming houses in Hobsons Bay.
Cr Briffa said he had been contacted by concerned residents that both live in and near rooming houses.
“The resident I spoke to that lives in a rooming house in Altona pays $300 a fortnight and there are eight people in the house all paying $300 a fortnight – which equates to $1200 a week and they’re just being ripped off and they don’t even have their own rooms – they’re sharing,” Cr Briffa said at last week’s council meeting.
“I’ve also spoken to neighbours who complain about the amenities and impact on the street – security and safety.”
At the council meeting Cr Briffa asked council whether they had received a response from the State Government regarding the issue.
Director Planning and Environment, Peter Gaschk told the council a Rooming House Standards Taskforce was established last year and provided a report with 32 recommendation to the State Government.
“The report raised a whole range of issues in regards to rooming houses standards, safety and security,” Mr Gaschk said.
Of the 32 recommendations that Taskforce Chairperson, Martin Foley MP made – four key recommendations were made including mandatory registration of operators and premises, improving standards of safety and amenity, strengthening compliance and enforcement and increasing the supply of alternative affordable rental housing.
Mr Gaschk said the recommendations did not consider changes to the planning controls.
“They have proposed to change existing legislation particularly in terms of the Residential Tenancies Act – as well as introducing some further changes to the existing legislation.
“It’s those changes that I think are now being talked about in terms of dealing with the issues of security and safety,” Mr Gaschk said.

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