EPA on the hunt

By Belinda Nolan
A BROOKLYN abattoir is among 15 sites to be targeted by the EPA during a blitz of industrial sites this month.
Inspectors from the Environment Protection Authority will undertake compliance checks of licensed sites in the North-West to ensure they are upholding licence requirements.
The inspections are part of a larger EPA compliance operation, which will see 200 sites inspected over the 2010/11 financial year.
EPA’s director of environmental services, Chris Webb said the checks were an essential part of environmental regulation.
“Sites found with issues will be asked to fix the problem – failure to do so may result in EPA enforcement action,” he said.
Under the Environment Protection Act (1970) EPA has the power to fine and prosecute individuals and companies. EPA fines range from $6000 for companies and up to $250,000 for prosecutions at the discretion of the magistrate.
Municipalities to be targeted include Brimbank, Maribyrnong, Hobsons Bay and Wyndham.

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