Four-storey plan

A $5.5 MILLION development has been proposed for Trickey Ave in Sydenham.
Brimbank City Council received a planning application for a four-storey development at 51 Trickey Ave, which is an 8323 square metre site on the corner of Overton Lea Boulevard.
The plan is for three separate buildings on the site containing 140 apartments, a commercial tenancy and a shop on the ground floor level.
Designed by Collingwood-based Louis Chiodo Architects, the development would have 36 one-bedroom apartments and 104 two-bedroom apartments and 177 car parking spaces – one for each apartment, up to 10 for commercial, two for the café and up to 31 for visitor parking.
The plans also include two bicycle parking areas.
The site is located off the Melton Hwy and sits next to an aged care home and across the road from a swimming centre.
A traffic report by Traffix Group, handed to council with the application, found that there were 48 vacant parking spaces within walking distance to the site, but said the commercial and café tenancy would use the street for loading as there was no room in the plans for an on-site loading bay.
The report also estimated the development would create 700 trips in and out of the site each day.
The Traffix Group report concluded that there “are no traffic engineering reasons why a planning permit for the proposed mixed-use development should not be granted, subject to appropriate conditions.”
As Star went to print the planning permit application had not been advertised at the site, but one resident, who did not want to be named, said the project was a “ridiculous” idea.
The resident said it could mean more than 280 new residents in the street and that Trickey Ave was not wide enough to accommodate the new drivers.
The resident said there were a number of “near misses” on the road already and said they would be asking council to create permit-only parking in the area if the proposal is approved.
The council will make a decision on the planning application at a later date.

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