GORTON MP Brendan O’Connor has joined the growing list of local politicians to call on the State Government to complete construction of the Caroline Springs Railway Station.
“Caroline Springs is one of the fastest growing communities in Australia, yet it is a community with some of the worst access to public transport in Melbourne,” Mr O’Connor said last week.
Work had started on the construction of the station but was shut down by the incoming Coalition Government following the 2010 State Election.
“If the Coalition Government had continued to build the Caroline Springs station that had been started by the previous Labor Government, Caroline Springs would have a station by now. Yet, because of the decision by the Coalition Government to shelve this project, all we have is a road to nowhere.”
Meanwhile other local politicians have called on the Napthine Government to “come clean” on how fare increases will affect them.
Kororoit MP Marlene Kairouz said over the last three years, fares on the Sunbury line had increased by more than 20 per cent and commuters deserved an explanation.
“Three years ago Kororoit were promised a quality public transport service but once in office the Liberals abandoned public transport for an $8 billion dud tunnel in the inner city.
“By contrast, Victorian Labor has outlined a plan to transform the metro rail network by doubling the size of the city loop and adding five more stations.”