COMMUNITY managed and not-for-profit childcare providers will be invited to express interest in the management of two long day care centres in the municipality.
Altona North Children’s Centre and Altona Meadows Children’s Centre could be under new management following a decision by Hobsons Bay City Council last week.
Hobsons Bay Mayor Sandra Wilson said the new management arrangements for the centres would see quality childcare continue at the locations and still maintain the number of long day care places.
“By introducing new providers, quality of care can be delivered to the same number of children at a lower cost to the council, freeing up funds in the budget for other services and projects,” she said.
The two centres are currently run by the council.
“We know how important quality childcare is to families in Hobsons Bay.
“The council is committed to supporting quality early years service in Hobsons Bay.”
The council will continue to house its 20 kindergarten and early year’s programs owned and maintained buildings.
“We have also made a significant investment in the development of the new Newport Gardens Early Years Centre, opening in January,” councillor Wilson said.
She said the decision had been driven in part by the need for the council to comply with Commonwealth competition policy laws requiring governments delivering services in competition with commercial or other operators to do so in a fair way by not subsidising its own services.
“We needed to make some changes to ensure a level playing field in the provision of childcare services.
“It was not an easy decision but one that had to be made.”
The changes to the management of the centres are due to be made in 2015.