Tall tales to be told

By Natalie Gallenti
Pauline Agius, artistic director of Sunshine’s Moving Theatre, is asking members of the community, young and old, to divulge their best stories about the thriving suburb. Whether it is a look at what it was like 50 years ago compared to now or even something as simple as their favourite places to eat, Ms Agius wants to know.
The local theatre buff, who was born and raised in the area, said the stories would be used in a show titled Sunshine Story. The production will include multimedia, art, photography, music and short plays, all to depict the importance the city has played in so many peoples’ lives.
The young school teacher is hoping to dispel the popular negative perception the city is often laden with.
“There are so many good things about Sunshine,” Ms Agius said.
“But people automatically think of the negative things all the time. There is good and bad everywhere.”
The 23-year-old said Sunshine had such a colourful history many people weren’t aware of, and this year’s celebrations were all about showing off what the city had to offer and what it meant to its residents.
“It’s starting to become a really close-knit community. There’s a great vibe now.”

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