Concrete plans firming

A CONCRETE batching plant may go ahead in Rockbank despite local residents’ protests .
At last week’s ordinary meeting the council supported a recommendation to amend the council’s planning scheme to facilitate the development of a concrete batching plant, rock crushing facility and garden supplies use on Meskos Rd in Rockbank.
Currently the site, which is adjacent to the Western Freeway, is home to a nursery and concrete crushing plant operating on a temporary permit.
A group of Rockbank residents made their opposition to the plant clear during public question time when they quizzed the council on how increased noise and dust would impede on their lifestyle.
Councillor Nola Dunn did not support the amendment and said it seemed “incongruous to surrounding land” and she held “grave concerns about dust and usage of this (the site) so close to the freeway”.
Councillors Lara Carli and Broden Borg also did not support the recommendation.
Cr Sophie Ramsey said it was imperative that the council researched the amount of dust, hours of operation and native wildlife living on the site, before a plant was established.
In his report manager for planning Bob Baggio said the proposed plant “epitomises best environmental practice and will operate well within the confines of the traditional concrete batching plant”.
“It is anticipated the recycling crushing facility and concrete batching plant will need to operate at the site for up to 25 years.
“After this time much of the land development in this growth corridor will be complete and the need for this facility will be much less.”

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