Eye on car crims

MELTON Police sent out a warning to car thieves last week – there is nowhere to hide.
Investigation and Response Manager Detective Inspector Bernie Jackson told Star, police would take a zero-tolerance approach to recidivist car thieves with the launch of the Vehicle Crime Task Force.
The unit, which was established in January, is dedicated to reducing theft of and theft from motor vehicles.
Victoria Police crime statistics released last week revealed theft of motor vehicles increased by a whopping 20.6 per cent within the Melton PSA in the past 12 months – a total of 485 offences an increase of 83 from the previous year.
Theft from motor vehicles increased by 6.9 per cent – 1113 offences up from 1041 the previous year.
Det Insp Jackson said the task force targets recidivist offenders, particular models of cars attractive to thieves and well-known hot spots.
He said to date the unit “had been going really well” and “targeting the right people”.
“It takes a number of months to see figures dropping,” Det Insp Jackson said.
“But the more time that goes on, the more local intelligence we have.”
Det Insp Jackson also put local scrap metal dealers and second hand car dealers on notice and said those found to be buying and selling stolen vehicles would be charged with offences under the second hand dealers act.
“We don’t want rogue traders…they also have moral obligations.”
But Det Insp Jackson was quick to put the onus on motorists who continued to play into the hands of opportunistic thieves.
He urged car owners to remove all temptation for offenders by securing their vehicles at all times and making sure valuables were not left inside the car.
“(The public) can easily cut out opportunistic thefts by keeping valuables hidden and cars locked.”
He also said something as simple as a steering lock may deter thieves.
Det Insp Jackson said thefts of number plates was also an increasing problem with thieves keen to avoid paying at the bowser or paying for tolls.

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