Hair razors

Lea Blundell and her son Liam will be saying goodbye to their hair next Monday when they take part in the World’s Greatest Shave to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation. 95116 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

A GROUP of dedicated Melton Primary School staff members will take the plunge next week and lop off their locks all in the name of a good cause.
Teacher Lea Blundell along with her 13-year-old son Liam will shave their heads as part of the World’s Greatest Shave in a bid to raise desperately needed funds for the Leukaemia Foundation.
A number of Lea’s fellow staff members will follow suit and get a buzz cut next Monday.
Lea said the Leukaemia Foundation was close to the school’s heart after one of its students passed away from leukaemia in 2010.
Little Mikey was diagnosed with the debilitating disease as a young child and staff members and pupils watched him struggle for years before his body finally succumbed to the illness.
“It was a really sad time,” Lea told Star.
“We still talk about him quite often … we’re really, really excited to raise money and create more awareness, especially amongst the children.”
Lea said she decided to take part in the event after her teenage son said he wanted to raise money and would be willing to have his head shaved.
“I’m immensely proud of my son who initiated it.
“The children have all been very supportive, they want to know what it’s all about and why I’m doing it.
“I tell them it’s okay, my hair will grow back.”
Lea will shave her head in front of the school assembly, while all students and other teachers will be colouring their hair for the school’s ‘Crazy Hair Day’.
All money raised on the day will go towards supporting the Leukaemia Foundation which offers free services to support people with the disease and their family, including information, emotional care, transport to and from treatment, and accommodation for regional Australians who need to move closer to hospital.
The Leukaemia Foundation also funds vital blood cancer research into better treatments and cures.
Anyone interested in donating should visit

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