Kinder crush

THE City of Melton’s kindergarten enrolments are 10 per cent lower than the state average.
A Caroline Springs mother has blamed the figure on lengthy waiting lists and high costs resulting in parents avoiding kindergarten altogether.
The mother enrolled her three-year-old daughter at numerous kindergartens in the area before she was finally accepted at Creekside Kindergarten.
She said long waiting lists of up to 60 children meant many parents had given up and were choosing not to enrol their children.
The mother-of-two also said exorbitant costs for three-year-old programs would place too great a pressure on many struggling families.
“Some of my friends are taking their children to kindergartens as far as Rockbank,” she said.
“Out of five of my friends from mother’s group, I’m the only one sending (my child) to kindergarten.”
At a recent Early Years Partnership Committee meeting Cr Lara Carli was told 85 per cent of children from the municipality were enrolled in kindergarten programs, which is significantly lower than the Victorian average of 95 per cent.
Cr Carli said issues like transportation, cost and program hours meant many children missed out on attending kindergarten.
At last week’s council meeting Cr Carli, a member of the committee, suggested the council host a “kinder open day” to offer Melton residents the opportunity to learn more about the services available and how to enrol their children.
“A lot of families are doing it tough these days … an open day would help them make an informed decision,” she said.
Although it feels like the school year has only just begun, parents across the municipality are being encouraged to get in early and fill out their kindergarten application forms for 2014.
Three and four-year-old programs are available throughout the municipality and Mayor Kathy Majdlik said kindergarten played an important role in a child’s development by helping them learn skills they will build on throughout life.
Application packages will be available from 25 March from various locations throughout the City of Melton.
Completed application forms, including a $19 application fee and supporting documentation, should be lodged via mail or handed in at the Civic Centre in Melton or Caroline Springs.

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