St Albans’ school of rock

St Albans guitar instructor Eddie Markovican. 93955 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

EDDIE Markovican has been helping future guitar heroes find their rhythm for the past decade.
The St Albans resident has been teaching music for more than 10 years and nowadays runs the Rock This Way Guitar School in his home suburb.
“I wanted to play guitar before I even started lessons,” Mr Markovican said.
“I was doing organ lessons in Grade 3 and 4 but I never liked them, I think I always wanted to play guitar.”
Mr Markovican completed a Bachelor of Music and Honours degree at Monash University, before becoming a qualified Suzuki guitar teacher.
“I think one of the things I like about playing guitar is that it’s quite a diverse instrument and you can play a diverse range of music with it, but still carry the instrument around with you – unlike a piano which is quite big – and play in a group, ensemble or solo,” Mr Markovican said.
“The diversity and mobility is what I like about the guitar.”
Mr Markovican said he teaches students to play both by ear and through reading music.
“They learn the craft of playing the musical instrument first and learn reading music a bit later,” he said.
“It’s a bit like learning to speak the language before reading.
“I make the hands meet the ears.”
Mr Markovican said sometimes during classes he plays the drums or bass guitar and encourages students to accompany him.
In addition, he makes YouTube educational videos about how to play the guitar.
“One of them has received more than 20,000 hits, to my surprise,” Mr Markovican said.
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