Con's magic bean

Con from Spotswood was surprised to discover the large 46cm broad bean in his garden. 109220 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT


A GREEN-fingered gardener has grown a larger-than-life broad bean that even he was impressed to discover.
The broad bean grown by Spotswood man Con Chirtomatsidis, expanded to a whooping 46cm and is still growing.
Con said the care given to the vegetable by himself and his wife is responsible for the rapid growth.
He obviously knows what he’s doing in the garden and follows a simple process to ensure the best vegetables.
“I fertilise watering very often and then dig around so there are no weeds and then the results come,” he said
‘If you look after the soil, keep it moisturised and fertilised it comes out really well.”
It’s not the first time Con has grown an impressive vegetable, four years ago he grew a 72cm-long zucchini and his chillis have reached two metres.
Con said he started his garden is Spotswood 10 years ago so his family would have nutritious home grown vegetables and fruit.
Since then, it has become a much-loved hobby that distracts him from arthritis in his hands and knees.
“It doesn’t worry me when I garden I forget everything.”
“I love it. I can’t do without gardening.”
“It’s a passion.”
He said he looks forward to early December when he will plant nectarines, oranges, grapes and lemons.
But it’s yet to be determined if they will reach massive proportions.

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