In the right frame

Kevin and Margaret Davies will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Thursday. 108922 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


KEVIN and Margaret Davies may say they have led a simple life but reaching their diamond wedding anniversary is anything but ordinary.
This Thursday 14 November the couple will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary at a surprise function the family has cooked up.
The pair swept each other off their feet as ballroom dancing partners after meeting at a Dance School in Melbourne.
They married two years later at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Newport.
“We grew on each other I think,” Kevin said.
Margaret, who worked as a dressmaker for a city firm and still enjoys sewing bits and pieces for her family, said perseverance was a key to the success of their marriage.
“We seem to get on okay, had our moments of course. We just worked out okay.”
“We’ve just been lucky I suppose and a lot of hard work,” she added.
Kevin, who worked as a rigger at A.C.I Glassworks in Spotswood, suggests a core ingredient to the recipe of a successful marriage is to stop, think and talk things out.
“We never did anything without discussing it between ourselves first,” he said.
“We’re complete opposites, I think that works out pretty well.”
The couple have four children, 12 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
“Having a big family, we are always busy and we love it,” Margaret said.
The pair said they still enjoy spending time together and with their family, who are all very close.
“We don’t owe anybody anything, except love to each other,” Kevin said.
“We depend on each other more now that we’re older,” Margaret added.

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