School boasts top exhibits

The work of Bayside P-12 student Miguel was displayed on the night. 108924 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


A COLLECTION of superb pieces from talented students at Bayside P-12 College was on display during the school’s annual Arts Technology Exhibition.
The exhibition, held at the school recently, showcased the work of students from all three campuses, spanning from Prep to Year 12.
The exhibition incorporated all artistic mediums including photography, media, visual communication, sculpture, art, textile, wood, food and information technology with performances by the music and drama students on the night.
Campus principal, Milan Matejin said the exhibition was an opportunity to display the talents of all the students at the school.
“(The exhibition was a) showcase for student talent and hard work across all mediums of the arts, displaying the progression made from our junior grades through to the professional work produced by our Year 12 students.”
Artworks displayed on billboards in Newport to promote the night and the invitations were the design of Year 12 student Joshua Legaspi.
Community and International Program co-ordinator Tracy James said Joshua was a great example of the school’s talent.
“Joshua’s art work is a wonderful example of the level of talent displayed by our students. A professional could not have met our brief any more thoroughly.”
Joshua’s mother Clarissa said she was very proud his design was chosen.
“It’s an example of how student talent is enhanced and appreciated at the college. It has motivated Joshua to improve from better to best.”

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