Lucky escape

‘Lucky’ the swan swims off to find his mate. 78394  Picture: VANESSA CHIRCOP ‘Lucky’ the swan swims off to find his mate. 78394 Picture: VANESSA CHIRCOP

A SWAN named ‘Lucky’, who was made famous last week after narrowly escaping death has been released back into Kororoit Creek.
Lucky was found by workers at Altona North with an archer’s arrow still in its wing.
Megan Wilde called Wildlife Victoria’s emergency phone service when her colleague Justin Rimes discovered the injured swan.
“It was horrible to know that someone would actually do that to an animal – we just wanted to get it some help,” she said.
Megan said she had seen Lucky’s mate in the creek every morning waiting for Lucky to come home.
Despite several onlookers, Lucky didn’t let his new found stardom delay his release last Wednesday, wasting no time in swimming off to call for his mate.
Wildlife rescuer Mandy Hall said she was thrilled with Lucky’s recovery.
“That’s the cream on the cake, finally being able to release something after all the misery we see,” she said.
Dr Elliot from Hobsons Bay Veterinary Clinic said the arrow only narrowly missed Lucky’s bone which would have been the difference between life and death for the swan.
“It’s a remarkably clean wound – he’s very lucky,” he said.
A Cairnlea man is currently being investigated over the attack.
If you find wildlife injured or sick or want to make a donation to BADGER Wildlife rescue group call 1300 223 427.

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