ALMOST half of the 47 drivers caught speeding in Caroline Springs during a back-to-school road blitz last week had children or infants in the car.
Brimbank Highway Patrol detected one vehicle travelling at more than 30 kilometres per hour over the speed limit, while 14 were up to 25 km/h over, 22 were up to 15, and 10 drivers were under 10 km/h over the speed limit during the blitz last Wednesday.
One driver was also detected driving an unregistered vehicle, while another was using a mobile phone while driving.
Senior Sergeant Les Hutchinson said he was shocked to discover that several drivers were travelling with children or infants in the car.
“It’s important to remember that parents are key role models in teaching their children basic road rules,” Sen Sgt Hutchinson said.
“It is parents who influence and teach their children to always wear a seat belt, wear a helmet when riding a bicycle and always use school crossings.
“The truth is that the best way for parents to ensure their children obey road safety rules is to always do it themselves.”