Heart for the kids

One-year-old Logan, son of Karen and Ian Howard, has had two open-heart operations.98572 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI


DESPITE undergoing two open-heart surgeries during his first year of life, little Logan always has a big smile.
The one-year-old son of Karen and Ian Howard was born with three cardiac complications known as a ventricular septal defect, aortic stenosis and coarction of the aortic arch.
At three days old, Logan underwent his first open-heart operation after being born with breathing problems.
The life-saving surgery resulted in Logan having a collapsed lung and partially-paralysed vocal cords.
“We weren’t able to hold him for 10 days after he was born,” Mrs Howard said.
“The next time I saw him, he was intubated. He couldn’t make a sound due to being intubated, but sometimes he would cry and look at us.”
Mrs Howard stayed with Logan at the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) for six weeks after he was born, where she learned about the HeartKids group.
The Rotary Club of Tullamarine has organised a fund-raising event for Heartkids on Friday 17 May at the Ultima Reception Centre in Keilor, featuring a live auction, Elvis tribute artist, three-course meal and more.
Mrs Howard has encouraged residents across the West to attend the evening.
“HeartKids is great because along with being able to communicate with people going through a similar situation to us, I have found some of the other families very inspiring,” Mrs Howard, of Altona Meadows, said.
In July last year, while visiting his grandparents in Canberra, Logan developed a respiratory infection and was flown to Melbourne in an air ambulance. Surgeons had to insert a conduit to replace his heart’s pulmonary artery.
In December, doctors noticed a narrowing in part of Logan’s heart, so they operated and put a stent in.
Mrs Howard said as Logan grew up, he would have less energy than other children and would require more surgeries, but should otherwise be fine.
“We hope to have a normal family life which doesn’t revolve around the hospital and maybe have more kids,” Mrs Howard said.
“He is a really happy-go-lucky little guy – he is always smiling, cheerful and very busy.”
The Heartkids’ Night of Nights on Friday 17 May starts 7pm at the Ultima Reception Centre, corner Keilor Park Drive and Ely Court, Keilor. Cost: $100. Dress code: evening wear. Book at lighting@mirabella.com.au

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