Time to smile

Burnside baby Jessie was born with cystic fibrosis. The Brimbank community will help raise cash for a cure. 85084 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTTBurnside baby Jessie was born with cystic fibrosis. The Brimbank community will help raise cash for a cure. 85084 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT

IT never occurred to Ivy and Marc Payet that they might outlive their children.
But every parent’s worst nightmare became more real for them when their beautiful baby girl, Jessie, was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.
The diagnosis was a shock to the Burnside couple, who also have a five-year-old son, Jamie.
They had no idea they were carriers of the genes for the disease.
To a passer-by, Jessie laughs, smiles and plays like any other baby.
But cystic fibrosis is a degenerative disease.
Over time it affects the organs of the body, particularly the lungs and pancreas, making it difficult to breathe and digest food.
“It’s really unpredictable, you don’t know what’s around the corner,” Ivy said.
“It sounds like a cliché, but it’s quite true. A little cold can turn into a hospital visit.”
Jessie was diagnosed at five weeks as part of the regular series of tests doctors carry out on newborns.
People with cystic fibrosis have a life expectancy of 38 years.
“You attend a wedding and you think ‘Oh my god, am I ever going to see her get married?’ You’re always thinking, ‘what if?’” Ivy said.
Jessie turned 15 months old last weekend and her parents are determined she will beat the odds.
They’ve teamed up with Burnside Springs United Cricket Club to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis Australia, and through it, research for a cure.
The cricket club will hold a family day next month with a live match, stalls, food, jumping castles, face painting and other fun for the kids.
They’ve even managed to line up hit reality TV star singers Yshrael Pascual from The Voice and David Mardini from Australian Idol.
Ivy said the family were overwhelmed by the amazing efforts of the cricket club and people involved in creating the day.
She said she hoped families would come along for a fun day out and the chance to contribute to a worthy cause.
Ivy doesn’t know what tomorrow will bring for Jessie.
“We’ll live life to the fullest as we can.”
The T20 Cystic Fibrosis Charity Cricket Match & Family Fun Day will kick off at 11am on Sunday 30 September at the Burnside Heights Recreation Reserve.
For more information visit www.facebook.com/teamjessieletscurecf

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