EPA dumping clean-up

UP TO 24 properties were inspected for illegal dumping in the Sunshine North Industrial Estate earlier this month.
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and Brimbank City Council discovered a car, industrial batteries, sump oil from vehicles and drums draining to land, stockpiled construction waste, buried bricks and chemicals at a number of the properties.
Notices and fines were issued to an undisclosed number of properties.
EPA environmental regulation director Chris Webb said illegal dumping wasn’t tolerated by the community or EPA.
“EPA’s dedicated illegal dumping team responds to reports of illegal dumping, works with local council and gathers intelligence to measure and track illegal dumping,” Mr Webb said.
“It is our intent to weed out rogue operators who are financially profiting from illegal dumping, as they not only threaten the environment but financially undermine legitimate licensed waste operators.”
To report illegal dumping phone the EPA’s Pollution Watch Line on 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842).

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