Shops crime spree

THE KEILOR Village Traders Association claims its shopping strip has become a hotspot for crime in the past three months.
Traders have told Star burglaries, thefts and vandalism have been rife, with an attack every fortnight.
The claims coincide with a crackdown on burglaries led by Brimbank’s Crime Tasking Unit.
Official figures released by Victoria Police last month revealed residential burglaries rose by 58.5 per cent in 2011, or 1991 incidents, compared with 1256 incidents in 2010 (Huge crime rise, Keilor Star, 6 March).
The team, which has just 10 staff dedicated to Brimbank’s burglary problem, will be joined by the Operations Response Unit over the coming weeks, saturating the streets to reduce crime.
Sweet Lulu owner-chef Paul Blackmore has had his restaurant broken into last month, with the entire till stolen and each window smashed, causing thousands of dollars in damage.
Mr Blackmore said the burglary had also meant the loss of a few days trade while repairs were made.
Keilor Continental Butchers has been hit three times in the past six months, while Cafe Dolce was burgled over the busy Christmas period.
The bins at the back of Mommo’s Pizza were set alight at the end of last year and owner Adam Demiri said the restaurant has had to contend with hoons driving down Kennedy St and through the laneway at the back of the shops, scaring both customers and staff.
The Keilor Village Pharmacy has installed shatter-proof glass to help bring an end to the constant break-ins it has had, while each store in the busy shopping strip has installed alarms and their own security cameras.
Ferguson Plarre’s Joe Marino said it was “only a matter of time” before the shops would be “uninsurable”.
Keilor Village Traders Association president Virginia Tachos said it was time for Brimbank City Council to step up.

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