Concern over Webb proposal

HOBSONS Bay City Council has requested the Port of Melbourne conduct a public information session in Hobsons Bay to explain its plans to expand Webb Dock.
The announcement of the $1.2 billion redevelopment has been met with some criticism despite proposing to create 2600 jobs.
Councillor Angela Altair called for the information session at last week’s council meeting.
Cr Altair said the expansion would have some direct impact on Williamstown and Hobsons Bay traffic, particularly around the West Gate Bridge.
“Recognising at the same time that if it is going to be supporting one of our major industries it’s not all bad news,” she said.
“We have an obligation to protect the amenity of our residents.”
Hobsons Bay CEO Bill Jaboor said the Port of Melbourne has made an offer to brief the council about the plans.
Cr Altair said people in not just Williamstown, but Spotswood and Newport could also be adversely affected by the redevelopment.
Member for Williamstown Wade Noonan MP said while the port’s expansion is good for jobs and the economy, it’s equally bad for those local communities who will suffer from the constant flow of freight vehicles past their front doors. 
“The reality is that the Government’s proposal will add greater pressure and congestion to the West Gate Bridge,” he said.
“This will force commuters and trucks to bypass the West Gate corridor all together and hit local roads instead.
“There is also likely to be some adverse impacts for Williamstown and Newport residents living along the Strand as a result of this proposal. These include visual, noise and light spill.”

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