SYDENHAM resident Sharon Smith recently became the first evictee from the Big Brother television show.
The mother-of-three left the Big Brother household after 15 days filming in Queensland, where cameras followed her every move and word.
Ms Smith said the show’s $250,000 was prize-money was attractive but not the main reason she auditioned.
The 41-year-old said she copped a lot of flack – including offensive comments online and via social media – during her time on the show.
“When I went in people said, ‘How could she, being a mother?’ ” Ms Smith said.
“I would say, ‘You don’t know me and my life, but if it could improve your life – through winning the money or in another way – why wouldn’t you do it?’
“I always wanted to be a good role-model for my kids, so I was a bit more reserved on the show.”
Ms Smith said she hoped appearing on the show might give her opportunities outside the program, such as through her Believe Achieve Personal Training Business.
She became a personal trainer after gaining 30 kilos during pregnancy – then losing it all in 19 weeks – during her career on the Adelaide police force.
Ms Smith said she first auditioned for Big Brother eight years ago before she having children, but decided to take a second shot at the Channel 9 series when her friend tried out this year.
“One thing that surprised me is that as soon as you get inside, you forget there are cameras there,” she said.
“Meeting the other housemates was probably what I enjoyed the most.
“Generally they were all very nice people.”
“I think you can’t really be anybody else but yourself in the show.
“It would be too much hard work not to be yourself.”
Ms Smith said she thought she appeared “quite boring” in her Big Brother episodes and did not get much screen time, but enjoyed it when family viewers approached her at the supermarket.
“That’s nice – when mothers come up with their kids, that makes it worthwhile,” she said.
Contact believeachievept@me.com for more information.