AN ALTONA restaurant refused entry to a blind woman and her guide dog until Hobsons Bay Mayor Tony Briffa intervened last Monday.
Anne-Marie Kelly said she attempted to enter a new Asian eatery in Pier St with her canine companion Uzo but the proprietor would not let her inside.
“They said dogs weren’t allowed and all that but he could be tied up outside,” Ms Kelly said.
Ms Kelly said she then asked Hobsons Bay City Council Mayor Tony Briffa – who was handing out brochures nearby – for help.
Cr Briffa said he explained to the restaurant vendor that guide dogs were allowed into all restaurants under law.
Ms Kelly said she was then permitted entry and went on to have a “nice meal” but the restaurateur did not apologise.
“They were still a bit uncomfortable about me being there with the dog,” she said.
“It puts you off going back to the restaurant that’s for sure.
“I just want more education around guide dog laws which mean they are allowed into shops and restaurants. Guide dogs do an important job.”
Seeing Eye Dogs Australia (SEDA) general manager, Leigh Garwood, said the Domestic Animals Act and Disability Discrimination Act meant guide dogs were allowed everywhere except operating theatres and zoos.
Mr Garwood said businesses which refused entry to guide dogs were breaking the law and could be fined.
“Unfortunately it happens to our clients and they can feel humiliated especially when they are alone or with friends,” he said.
“In general it’s just people who have opened a new café or business and they are generally not aware of the legislation.”
Mr Gardwood said SEDA would contact businesses to explain the law if a client reported they were refused entry with a guide dog.
“They often call the person to apologise and invite them back,” Mr Gardwood said.
Hobsons Bay Cr Luba Grigorovitch mentioned Ms Kelly’s incident at last week’s council meeting.
She asked the council’s business and finance director Glenn O’Sullivan to send letters to the area’s restaurants as a reminder all guide dogs were permitted entry.