Lighting up

MELTON’s blue collar workers smoke more than the rest of their Victorian counterparts and have a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes according to the latest results from WorkSafe Victoria.
The results of health checks carried out by WorkSafe Victoria, revealed blue collar workers across Victoria are more likely to have high blood pressure, drink at ‘risky’ levels and have a high risk for developing Type 2 diabetes and heart disease compared to white collar workers.
More than 6,000 workers from the Melton Local Government Area received the 15 minute WorkHealth examinations between April 2009 and April 2012, with results suggesting there should be a greater focus on increasing fruit and vegetable intake and physical activity, while reducing the number of smokers and alcohol consumption.
The statistics revealed one quarter of Melton workers were smokers – a higher proportion than overall Victorian results.
The results also revealed one third of Melton workers who had a health check had a high waist circumference and one third of males and one fifth of females were assessed as having a high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
WorkHealth director Pam Anders said the latest findings provided employers with an unprecedented insight into the major health concerns facing their staff and, in turn, their business.
Ms Anders said the findings for industries such as manufacturing, construction and mining should raise alarm bells for employees and employers alike.
“Business success is dependent on having a pool of motivated, healthy, safe and engaged people to deliver strong results, without whom the economy would grind to a halt,” Ms Anders said.
She said that the WorkHealth program wad about supporting worker health, but also promoting productive and thriving businesses for Victoria.
“A healthy workforce means a safer and more productive workforce, with lower absenteeism, higher morale, better injury recovery outcomes and the ability to attract and retain motivated, committed staff to deliver strong results for your business.”

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