By Laura Wakely
RESIDENTS have backed concerns that illegal rubbish dumping is increasing in Sunshine.
Sunshine Residents and Ratepayers Association (SunRRA) president Darlene Reilly told Star earlier this month that illegal dumping would become a greater problem in the coming months as tip fees increased (Community group wary of dump costs, Sunshine Star, 3 April).
Wayside Opportunity Shop last week revealed it had been forced to spend thousands of dollars cleaning up dumped rubbish outside its Withers St store (We are not a tip, Sunshine Star, 10 April).
Residents took to the Star Brimbank Facebook page with their concerns.
“Council should issue tip passes when we pay our rates like they used to years ago,” Sue Pardi wrote.
“This would eliminate all the mattresses that are littering our streets and those that are dumped at places like the Salvos because it is far too expensive to dispose of properly.”
Adrian Parnis agreed and called on Brimbank City Council to increase hard rubbish collections.
“Just like the green waste collection, they only do it once a year, when it’s the wrong time of year, they should do it around spring or summer time, when all the trees and shrubs need to be pruned back, not during winter months when most plants are in there dormant stage,” he said.
Meanwhile, David Galea called on Brimbank Council to act.
“Was looking at tip fees this week as need to go – you are looking at $70 for a small trailer just to dump rubbish at Brooklyn recycling centre.”