War on council


MELTON City Council chambers again became the backdrop to a bitter confrontation between the mayor and gallery members last week.
For the third time in the past four meetings, Melton Police were called to escort members of the public gallery out of the council chambers after they refused to leave with a security guard.
Like previous council meetings, police intervention was required after public question time became a verbal stoush between Cr Kathy Majdlik and Rena Iliades.
The clash broke out when Ms Iliades continued to call on councillors to disclose any donations and third party interests they or their family may have in property or developments.
After repeated attempts to silence Ms Iliades, Cr Majdlik asked a security guard to escort the gallery member out of the chambers. When Ms Iliades refused to leave, the meeting was adjourned and police were called to the premises.
Ms Iliades and a small group of the public were then escorted from chambers by police and allowed to return at the end of the half-hour adjournment.
This latest confrontation comes in the wake of the council’s February meeting when at least six gallery members were physically removed from council chambers by police. The commotion began when Ms Iliades ignored repeated requests from the mayor to refrain from filming the meeting.
At that time Cr Majdlik told Star she was fearful for her safety and the safety of her fellow councillors.
“All sorts of thoughts go through your head. I have been verbally abused … threats have been made.”

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