Gain a business edge

WITH only four days left to nominate your business for the Hobsons Bay Business Excellence Awards, businesses are being urged to get their nominations in fast.
Nine specialist categories include new/start up business, retail, hospitality, tourism, transport and logistics, manufacturing and industrial, professional services, not for profit/community service and home-based business.
Judges will also award an Environment Award and Good Access Award across all categories and an overall Business of the Year. Hobsons Bay’s Mayor Tony Briffa will also present a Mayoral Award.
The awards are a great way for businesses to promote themselves, gain recognition from the wider community, create further business opportunities and network with each other.
Councillor Tony Briffa said the awards were a great way to promote business excellence, as well as encourage local business development.
“These awards cover all aspects of local business, including those running their own enterprises from home, as well as the more traditional retail outlets,” he said.
“Our business community is diverse and these awards celebrate and recognise local success stories.”
To nominate contact Sally Curtis or Katherine Renden on 9932 1000 to request an awards information pack and application form or visit
Nominations close on this Friday 20 July.
Winners of the Hobsons Bay Business Excellence Awards 2012 will be announced at the Presentation Evening and Gala Dinner at the Williamstown Town Hall on Friday 7 September 2012.

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