Gas protest heats up

RESIDENTS rallied in force at Digman Reserve in Newport over the weekend to oppose the use of methyl bromide near their homes.
Hobsons Bay City Council received a petition with more than 50 signatures at last week’s meeting also opposing the use of ozone-depleting gas in Spotswood.
Container Fumigation Services has applied to the council for a planning permit to use the gas, which has been linked to respiratory, kidney and neurological problems, to fumigate containers at 407 Douglas Pde, Spotswood – a few hundred metres from homes and a children’s playground.
Lead petitioner and rally organiser Oliver Tripodi told Star that though he lives in Williamstown he was very concerned by the application.
“I live 150 metres from Douglas Pde, it’s still my backyard,” he said.
Mr Tripodi said the more he researched the gas, the more concerned he has become.
“It’s illegal (to use methyl bromide) in most western countries,” he said, “there are safer alternatives.”
Mr Tripodi said he did not want to see the gas used in Hobsons Bay.
“My argument is ‘why fumigate in one of the most densely populated areas in the West?’.
“It’s preposterous.”
Over the weekend residents turned out in full force to make their feelings clear about the application.
Mr Tripodi said he hoped the council would turn down the application.
“The council can send a clear message on the use of this out-dated and unsafe chemical and say ‘no you can’t use it here’.”
Williamstown MP Wade Noonan also attended the rally after being contacted by a number of concerned constituents about the application.
Mr Noonan wrote to the council urging it to consider the application with the greatest care “to the public and also the ozone layer”.
Hobsons Bay planning and environment director Peter Gaschk said the council had contacted the Environmental Protection Authority and WorkSafe for advice on the application.
“Those pieces of advice, as well as the submissions that have been received and the information that has been lodged, will be assessed and considered and will then be considered by the council,” he said.

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