It’s a beautiful world

Emma Foley loves the pageant world, despite its criticisms. 83844 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIEmma Foley loves the pageant world, despite its criticisms. 83844 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

EMMA Foley is bringing the glitz of the pageant world to Caroline Springs.
The 13-year-old is a pageant queen who was crowned the Grand Supreme of a beauty pageant earlier this year.
Emma is aware of the controversy the events attract. Reality shows like Toddlers and Tiaras highlight intense beauty regimes for kids as young as four, as well as the tantrums that ensue from the kids and their stage parents.
But Emma said the reality is much different.
“I know what happens, I see what I see backstage. I don’t see kids getting pushed into this.
“I enjoy it and I don’t really care what anyone thinks.”
Emma saw an ad for a pageant in February and convinced her parents, after many arguments, to let her try it.
“I just wanted this to be my hobby,” she said.
“I think it’s because I’ve always loved dressing up, getting my hair and make-up done and being on stage.
“I already have my nails, my hair done and my make up on. It’s how I would dress whether I’m going to a pageant or not.
“I think maybe the little tiny babies… I don’t like that, but at this pageant they’re not allowed to wear make-up.”
Emma uses the internet to find bargain costumes and choreographs her routines using her dance training in jazz, tap and cheerleading, with occasional help from her big sister.
She rehearses for hours in the lead up to pageant day, but she said it’s worth it.
Emma already has three crowns, a sash and the second-highest pageant title of Grand Supreme.
She said competing in pageants has helped boost her self-esteem and hopes competing will one day land her a modelling contract.
If that fails, Emma said she will try for another title in a few years – Miss Universe.

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