Fire levy disparities


RESIDENTS in Hobsons Bay who have noticed inequities in their new fire service levy charges are being encouraged to notify the council.
During last week’s council meeting, Hobsons Bay City Council agreed it will continue to monitor concerns and issues raised from residents and ratepayers for the new fire service property levy and report any inequities to the Department of Treasury and Finance.
From July onwards, councils will replace insurers and begin collecting the levy from all property and land owners to fund metropolitan and country fire services; a key recommendation from the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.
Hobsons Bay City Council Mayor Angela Altair reminded ratepayers that the new fire service property levy is out of the council’s hands.
“We’re simply the collection agent for the State Government.”
She asked the council to take note that the Municipal Association of Victoria (MA) is the legislated peak body for Hobsons Bay and many other Victorian councils and is also interested in collating the disparities.
“Their advice to council is to provide the issues as they come in; don’t wait to collate them for two or three weeks; they need to receive them as they are received.”
Cherry Lake Ward Councillor Tony Biffa said some ratepayers had expressed concern about inequities.
Cr Briffa said a ratepayer had contacted him regarding an increase of 70 per cent in rates due to the new fire service levy for a property that did not pose any risk in the case of a fire.
Cr Briffa said the land owner was paying $285 a year in rates and charged a further $202 for the fire service levy.
“Her rates have gone up by 70 per cent because of the fire service levy with no risk to property damage if fire went through her block of land.”
Acting Director Corporate Services Hamish Munro said any inquiries would be reported to the Department of Treasury and Finance and council staff had been well trained to deal with a lot of the fire service levy issues.
“Obviously, there may be a number of issues that are raised initially that the council may not have a position on, so we will collect those and have to determine what the council’s position is.”
Mr Munro said the council would report the issues that arise during council briefings or at council meetings if required.

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